quarta-feira, 9 de setembro de 2009


Hello everybody

It's been a while now. I leave you here with a little video i made which is part of my EVS "campaign :)"

It's a promotional video about the city where i'm living and off course, about EVS. Enjoy and i hope that will inspire a lot of you out there.

The video is divided into two parts so you'll have to use both links i put here.

Part 1 -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=db38KMF6_e8

Part 2 -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XX6HY-Yt1LI

terça-feira, 14 de julho de 2009

Some Good Links

Hello Everybody

I collected some good links with information which i think is very useful:

Agência Nacional Portuguesa (Portuguese National Agency) - http://www.juventude.pt

Portal da Juventude - http://juventude.gov.pt/portal

Agência Nacional Portuguesa - http://juventude.gov.pt/Portal/Programas/ProgramaJUVENTUDE

Portal Europeu da Juventude (Youth European Portal) - http://europa.eu.int/youth/index_pt.html

Documentação sobre direitos e responsabilidades (Documentation about rights and responsibilities)- http://europa.eu.int/comm/youth

Apoio de emergência a voluntários (Emergency support for volunteers)- http://www.sosforevs.org

Formação internacional (International Trainning)- http://www.training-youth.net

Conselho da Europa (Council of Europe)- http://www.coe.int/T/E/Cultural_Co-operation/Youth

Fórum Europeu da juventude (Youth European Forum)- http://www.youthforum.org/en

Convenção da Juventude (Youth Convention)- http://www.youth-convention.net/en/convention.html

Hope is helpful for all out there who are interes

terça-feira, 9 de junho de 2009

The First Week + Important Info

Hello again. I'm writing from Hungary now. I arrived at exactly 8 days. It's been 3000 KM of pure adventure. I didn't know the people, the city, the house, the cultural environment, but day by day everything started to get clear and clear, familiar, saying hello to people is becoming like an regular thing, i know them and they know me. It's a good feeling. The colleagues are all very nice and helpful. The office where i'll give support is close to my house and the office has also very good conditions and workspace.
It's been a joy to visit this wonderful country, which i admire so much.

I will put more information down reggarding the EVS program:

As i said in the previous post EVS is a volunteering service in Europe. I will give a more short presentation about what is this program which is part of the Youth In Action program.

- The Youth In Action Program is a EU's mobility and a non-formal education programme targeting young people aged between 13 and 30 years old.
- It's directed for Education and Culture and it has 31 National Agencies.
- It's open to youth in all the EU countries plus Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway and Turkey.
- With certeain restrictions the programme is also open to Partner Countries from EECA Region (Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Russian Federation and Ukraine).
- The main objectives of the program will be to develop solidarity, tolerance and mutual understanding between young people in different countries.
- To promote young people's (European) citizenship and to contribute to developing the quality of support systems for youth activities.
- Promote European Cooperation in the youth field.

The Youth In Action Programme is structured as followed:

- The YOUTH IN ACTION program started in 2007 and its valid until 2013.

Im participating in the ACTION 2 aka EVS.
- An EVS project supports transnational voluntary service of young people aged 18-30 (exceptionally 16-30).
- Its a "Learning Service".
- It works according with the values and objectives of the Youth in Action Program in general.
- Its implemented through legally established organiyations.
Takes place in an other country than the volunteer's country of residence.
- It is non-profit and unpaid.
- Can take place in various areas of activity, but must represent a clear European or international added value.
- Must include contacts with the local community.
- It's not a job substitution.
- The duration must not exceed 24 months, including preparation and evaluation.
- It also should have the minimum duration of 2 months and maximum overall duration of 12 months.
- It envoltes a partnership between three actors: A volunteer, a sending organization and a hosting organization.

Sometimes people have the wrong reasons about being in part of a volunteering service. For this to be cleared i will tell what EVS is not:

- Occasional, unstructured, part-time volunteering.
- An intership in a enterprise (it's only in a non-profit accredited organizations).
- A paid job and must not substitute paid jobs (you will have tasks and support the colleagues with everything they do in their working day life).
- A recreation or tourist activity (dont worry because you can travel anyway :)).
- A language course (but you will learn a new language for sure).
- A exploitation of cheap work force as before and during yout EVS you will have access to all its rules such as to know your rights and your duties.
- A period of study or vocational trainning abroad.
- Simply a funding scheme, but a quality model of transnational voluntary service.

Next time i will post partners obligations and important things about the project.

sexta-feira, 29 de maio de 2009

My Last 4 days in Portugal

Jo reggelt as they say in Hungarian (Bom dia/GoodMorning). It's my last 4 days in Portugal and that little nervous thing in your body starts to pump faster and faster, like 10 minutes before a class exam. I'm already starting to check up all my things i need to take. Bags of course (full of clothes and all the stuff which will make myself feel comfortable and which is going to be mine little corner and refuggee things from my country), laptop, camera, not to forget all the papers from EVS - Partnership Agreement, guide of the country, Youth in Action Rules Book, receipts you may need to prove for the budget part, and the most important thing of all, responsability.

I will leave you in this post with more information of what EVS is all about.
So here it goes:

- Promote young people’s active citizenship in general and their European citizenship in particular;
- Develop solidarity and promote tolerance among young people, in particular in order to foster social cohesion
in the European Union;
- Foster mutual understanding between young people in different countries;
- Contribute to developing the quality of support systems for youth activities and the capabilities of civil society organisations in the youth field;
- Promote European cooperation in the youth field.

This is the main visualization of EVS. To have an impact into the society, to be helpful and care about the place you'll live in, integrate in another culture and when i say another culture people usually connect that only to arts, music, food and folclore but that's not true as there's more, a lot more into it. Such as time of works, aproaches of problem solving, time and schdules of the community and the country per si, the body language, facial expresions, nature of friendship, games, dressing... in summing a all new society in a country far way from yours which maybe is not that different from your own society.

Participation of young people:
A main priority of the Youth in Action Programme is the active participation of young people in their daily life. The
overall aim is to encourage young people to be active citizens. Participation takes the following dimensions:
- to increase the participation by young people in the civic life of their community;
- to increase participation by young people in the system of representative democracy;
- to provide greater support for various forms of learning to participate.

The respect for cultural diversity together with the fight against racism and xenophobia are priorities of the Youth
in Action Programme. By facilitating joint activities of young people from different cultural, ethnic and religious
backgrounds, the Programme aims to develop the intercultural learning of young people.

The Youth in Action Programme provides important opportunities for young people to acquire skills and competences. Therefore it is a key instrument for non-formal and informal learning in a European dimension.
Non-formal learning refers to the learning which takes place outside formal educational curriculum. Non-formal learning activities involve people on a voluntary basis and are carefully planned, to foster the participants personal and social development.
Informal learning refers to the learning in daily life activities, in work, family, leisure, etc. It is mainly learning by doing. In the youth sector, informal learning takes place in youth and leisure initiatives, in peer group and voluntary activities etc.
Non-formal and informal learning enables young people to acquire essential competences and contributes to their personal development, social inclusion and active citizenship, thereby improving their employment prospects.
Learning activities within the youth field provide significant added value for young people as well as for the economy and society at large.

Every person who has taken part in a Youth in Action project under Action 1.1, Action 2, and Action 4.3 (Training Courses) is entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate, which describes and validates the non-formal and informal
learning experience acquired during the project.

All Youthpass certificates have a common structure, a coherent layout, and contain the following information:
- Personal details about the participant;
- General description of the relevant Action of the Programme;
- Key information concerning the project and the activities realised by the participant;
- Description and assessment of the participant's learning outcome during the project.

Through the Youthpass, the European Commission ensures that participation in the Programme is recognised as an educational experience and a period of non-formal learning and informal learning. This document can be of great benefit for the future educational or professional pathway of the participant.

I think for now it's a lot of information to gather so i'll leave you with all this and a few more links so that you can search for more opportunities in EVS in this great continent of the world: Europe.


quarta-feira, 27 de maio de 2009

Welcome to my new house

Did Someone Said EVS? This little house will be all about EVS, for those who don't know, you will start to know and for those who know and have second thoughts about going, this is your place to kill those second thoughts. It will be my own EVS project online. I will give you information about where i am, what i am doing and how is everything in this great adventure.

I will give you information for all who want to experience and get to know what is EVS.

But for now i'm starting to getting ready, as my EVS countdown is closer and closer. Tuesday is the day. My last 7 days in Portugal for 6 months. Who knows what the future have for all of us.

I'll leave you with some links about how i get to find EVS.