terça-feira, 14 de julho de 2009

Some Good Links

Hello Everybody

I collected some good links with information which i think is very useful:

Agência Nacional Portuguesa (Portuguese National Agency) - http://www.juventude.pt

Portal da Juventude - http://juventude.gov.pt/portal

Agência Nacional Portuguesa - http://juventude.gov.pt/Portal/Programas/ProgramaJUVENTUDE

Portal Europeu da Juventude (Youth European Portal) - http://europa.eu.int/youth/index_pt.html

Documentação sobre direitos e responsabilidades (Documentation about rights and responsibilities)- http://europa.eu.int/comm/youth

Apoio de emergência a voluntários (Emergency support for volunteers)- http://www.sosforevs.org

Formação internacional (International Trainning)- http://www.training-youth.net

Conselho da Europa (Council of Europe)- http://www.coe.int/T/E/Cultural_Co-operation/Youth

Fórum Europeu da juventude (Youth European Forum)- http://www.youthforum.org/en

Convenção da Juventude (Youth Convention)- http://www.youth-convention.net/en/convention.html

Hope is helpful for all out there who are interes